Sanford Farmers' Market

Information for Prospective Vendors
Thanks for your interest in the Sanford Farmers’ Market! We welcome all farmers, ranchers, fishermen and fisherwomen, beekeepers, bakers, food entrepreneurs and artisans from in and around Lee County. See our applications, market rules, and related forms below. Before submitting your application, please read our market rules.
Please contact our Market Manager if you have any questions about your application at 919-775-5624 or sanfordfarmersmarketnc@gmail.com.
Forms for
Market Vendors
​ (2025 APPLICATION NOW AVAILABLE, open until January 15th!)​
Sanford Farmers’ Market Producer Statement (for farmers’ planning to sell sales and use tax exempt items, see Understanding Sales and Use Taxes on Agricultural Products above to see if you are eligible)
Vendor Food Sampling Plan (required if you plan to offer food samples)
SafePlates at Farmers’ Markets Infosheets (required reading)
​Understanding Sales and Use Taxes on Agricultural Products (NC Department of Revenue, for sales and use tax requires for different farmers’ market products)
Growing Small Farms: Selling Eggs, Meat, and Poultry in North Carolina: What Farmers Need to Know (for egg and meat vendors, developed by Debbie Roos, Agricultural Extension Agent in Chatham County)
Food Program Website (NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Food and Drug Protection Division) (to learn regulatory requirements for your products and whether they can be made at home or in a commercial kitchen)
Sanford Farmers' Market